
What is Conscientiology 

Conscientiology is the science that studies consciousness – being, ego, soul, self, intelligent principle – and its various forms in other dimensions outside of human life. The term conscientiology comes from the Latin: conscientia – with knowledge and the Greek: logos – study. 

Conscientiology studies the “entire” consciousness, considering all its bodies, dimensions and existences, in an integrated approach. 

Consciential paradigm, Bases: 

Conscientiology aims to study consciousness in an integral way, with all bodies, existences and dimensions, based on the principles of cosmic ethics. It is fundamental to answer countless questions and explain various phenomena that have been ignored or excluded from conventional science. Consciousness is you, a self-conscious living being that manifests itself in about 2 centuries; and also raise many other important questions for the development of science. Through this new paradigm consciousness will study itself. 

Premises of the Consciential Paradigm that allow the study of the sciences conscientiology and projectiology: 


Admits the existence of the holosoma (holo + soma), that is, the set of bodies or vehicles for the manifestation of consciousness formed by the soma or physical body; energosoma, the body of energies, also known as holochakra; psychosoma or body of emotions and mentalsoma, the body of discernment. 


Assumes the existence and lucid application of bioenergies through the energosome (energy + soma: energetic body formed by the set of chakras), taking into account the influences of immanent and consciential energies far beyond the cerebral perceptions registered from the physical senses. 

Chakras are dynamic, they are multidimensional and can represent the first perceptions of other dimensions. 


Consciousness manifests in multiple dimensions and each vehicle manifests in one dimension. Therefore, through the voluntary mastery of conscious projections – experiences outside the body – the projector has the opportunity to prove this reality, as he is in direct contact with countless dimensions and non-physical realities. 


Supports the principle that consciousness is multi-existential and multi-millennial, that is, the personality submits to the seriality of existences or multiple human lives in series, interspersing with periods called intermissive, that is, between human lives. 


The consciential paradigm’s moral philosophy is cosmoethics or cosmic morality – a principle broader than human morality – which takes into account multiple lives, that is, our multiple interpersonal relationships that are not always positive; the different vehicles of manifestation, taking into account the quality of our thoughts, feelings and energy and their repercussions. 


It is the set of ideas derived from the universality of the basic laws of Nature and the Universe, which through all fields of research involves the micro-universe of consciousness, expanding from there to the Universe, where they are all immersed. Given this premise, it loses the sense of attachment to parochialism, exacerbated nationalism, prejudices of all types, borders between countries. 


Supports the research of consciousness based on self-experimentation. Projectiology is considered the practical, experimental part of Conscientiology, as the phenomenon of conscious projection is the most important tool for the study of consciousness. Projection leads consciousness to integral self-knowledge. Hence the need for the conscientiologist to develop his ability to project himself outside the human body with lucidity. Theoretical knowledge, often supported by conventional evidence, beliefs or speculations, is not sufficient to carry out the science of consciousness. Instead, the conscientiologist will seek personal experience of conscious projection – a natural phenomenon that is self-persuasive or self-proving. 

Theorization, conventional science, tends to leave room for its interpretation to generate controversies about the photos. It is not the theory about conscious projection that brings people together, but rather its practice, self-experimentation. 

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